DAMM® MultiTech Outdoor Base Station BS422
The world’s only outdoor base station featuring multiple technologies in one
single core-connected system: TETRA, DMR Tier III, TEDS and Analog.
This technology-independent solution features multiple carriers as well as
frequency sharing in one box within either UHF or VHF frequency ranges.
No more need for gateways or bridges! With the core-connected BS422 you can
easily combine multiple technologies in one coherent system. Or choose the one
technology that matches your current need – and scale anytime to meet changing voice and data needs with a simple click.
Multiple technologies – one software
With everything covered by one system, operation, maintenance and repairs are
simply easy. Multi-technology networks can be managed in a single network
management tool with one central subscriber register. Applications like dispatchers and voice and data log systems can be used across all technologies, and all technologies use the same gateways.